
Discussing King, Warrior, Magician, Lover with Co-Author Douglas Gillette

masculine archetypes, understanding our shadow, and how we can raise the collective consciousness

Hello! Trying something new here! This is a conversation with Douglas Gillette, Co-author of the famous book King, Warrior, Magician, Lover that dives deep into the masculine psyche and its four key archetypes. Doug and I got connected earlier this year and have discussed the work he did with Robert Moore to build a map of the masculine psyche a few times now. This is the first time we sat down officially to have a conversation I could share with you!

We cover a number of topics, and also get to talking about his new book Soul Making, which I would describe as an overlap between a personal set of reflections on Doug’s spiritual and mystical experiences as well as a bold attempt to describe the contours and dimensions of reality that are not clearly visible to us moment to moment. I talk more about my specific thoughts on both Soul Making and King, Warrior, Magician, Lover at the end of our conversation [starting at the 1:16:36 time stamp].

Some of the topics we explored in this conversation:

  • A high-level overview of King, Warrior, Magician, Lover and the strengths, weaknesses and symbolism of each archetype

  • The shadow expressions of the archetypes

  • How these archetypes are showing up in the modern world in areas like politics, technology, finance, academia, etc.

  • What keeps us unconscious as a society, and why there seems to be so much division within the collective

  • How we can raise the collective consciousness

  • Non-dualism, non-locality, and other concepts that approach the sense of oneness characterized by intense religious, spiritual and mystical experiences

  • Lots more!!!

Additional resources:

Sign up to get my free masculine archetype guide: I have created an introductory guide to King, Warrior, Magician, Lover, which outlines the key qualities of each archetype and exercises you can use to begin understanding how they each show up in your own life. Think of this as a gentle way to approach the archetypes, which can act as a companion to the book or an introduction to it. I will be sending that guide out next week! Sign up here to get it in your inbox when it’s published.

Learn more about Men to Kings: my 1-1 work designed specifically for men, incorporating the four masculine archetypes to help you harness your natural strengths, tap into the archetypal energies you are more distant from, and cultivate more self-understanding, balance and alignment in your life. Get more information and a link to book an introductory call to explore working with me here.

You can also learn more about my 1-1 Clarity Coaching designed to help you cultivate more clarity, intention and alignment with what you truly want here.

If you liked this format and want me to host more conversations like this one, please let me know in the comments! I am starting to get excited about the idea of doing more video/audio content, and I would really love to hear what this sparks for you :)

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Related essays: a duel of inner goddesses, returning from the hero’s journey, comfort. You can also find me on Twitter and Tik Tok.