The clarity of thought displayed in this article has won you a fan and subscriber. The feeling you called out after reading a “best book” is what I’m feeling reading this article. Great work.
I remember feeling jealous of my nanny who would spend afternoons playing on the deck with the kids and that’s when I knew I couldn’t stay in my corporate job. I was meeting with accomplished women who had families and were leading multimillion dollar portfolios in my day job but I was jealous of the woman who i paid to play with my kids. And then most recently I felt jealous of a self appraisal at work from a friend who does a lot of things in marketing and I couldn’t figure out where the jealousy was coming from. A lot to think about thanks to your essay
"Success is actualizing your personal ambition, and hell is looking Resistance in the face at the end of it all, and knowing it won." BANGER
But I would say some books expand the difference because they show you that you could have been more ambitious. But thats the different kind of "failure".
The clarity of thought displayed in this article has won you a fan and subscriber. The feeling you called out after reading a “best book” is what I’m feeling reading this article. Great work.
thank you so much for this lovely comment!
this made me cry
:’) omg
You killed it with this one
thank you!
thank you so much for this. will be reflecting a lot on these ideas
so glad to hear that!
so good and well put Isabel. I love this for you and congrats on full time writing
thank you <3
I remember feeling jealous of my nanny who would spend afternoons playing on the deck with the kids and that’s when I knew I couldn’t stay in my corporate job. I was meeting with accomplished women who had families and were leading multimillion dollar portfolios in my day job but I was jealous of the woman who i paid to play with my kids. And then most recently I felt jealous of a self appraisal at work from a friend who does a lot of things in marketing and I couldn’t figure out where the jealousy was coming from. A lot to think about thanks to your essay
"Success is actualizing your personal ambition, and hell is looking Resistance in the face at the end of it all, and knowing it won." BANGER
But I would say some books expand the difference because they show you that you could have been more ambitious. But thats the different kind of "failure".
this reads like it was written by someone who is on a copious amount of stimulants
this is raw brain my guy. don't know what that says about me but now i'm wondering what my writing would be like on copious amounts of stimulants