Describing beauty as “who/what we’d see if we’re perfect” is a unique spin. I love it. I can see that idea extended to just from physical traits but to mental and work traits as well.

Whenever I find a new author/thinker I admire, I become *obsessed* with them. I read everything I can find, no matter how long ago it was published. But I don’t think I do it because I love to read (though I do), I do it because how they write is how I wish I write. I want to capture as many words as I can and feed them to my personal “Language Model” for that persona.

I think doing this with enough writers I find “beautiful,” I’ll be able to form my own voice—a unique combination of the 5-10 people I admire. Do I do this with everything else in my life? Probably. Is this a healthy way to develop a voice? Am I just using other influences to run away from my own because I’m scared of how awful my words will be on paper? Probably. But such is beauty.

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Also this is a dope cover photo @Isabel. I’m saving this to my collection :-)

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