I love your equation of patience + forward momentum. The way I think about this problem is the difference between focusing on your displacement and focusing on your direction. At point A, rather than worrying about how far you are from B, just point yourself in the right direction and take the next step.

Thank you for a thought-provoking piece, Isabel!

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Reminds me of this web comic: https://www.instagram.com/p/CbN9NBZpyAf/

The idea that the ego dissolves when we make changes that break us out of our identity, and you might feel a little confused and lost at first. I recently started admitting to coworkers that I struggle with ADHD and it was hugely discombobulating and disorienting. 😱 I can see how it'd add another layer of dissonance to make a major change in one area, but the rest of your environment looks/seems the same.

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"Performing, becoming, introspecting, all at once."

yes, yes, and yes.

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+1 Cover Art

+1 Forward Momentum, I’m at my best when striving towards something — when I’m in exploratory go-forward mode, when I’m able to channel my ingenuity towards something productive. On the contrary, when I’m stalling, confused, static — my mind tends to go in unproductive directions , or sits on a yucky topic for a long time.

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