Legitimately how do you not have a billion subscribers

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just the inspiration needed to intentionally learn to balance my body and mind.

thank you for this amazing piece... you're a gem

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It's amazing how effortless thinking gets when you shift from trying to forcefully push out thoughts into giving yourself space and listening. Good one, thanks

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Really needed to hear all of this today. It captures so much of how I was feeling all day and all I was struggling to understand. Thank you for not only the understanding but also the tools 🙏

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This is so good and so timely so thank you

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This is everything I’ve been feeling, thinking, trying [and failing! 😩], and more.

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Mental clarity is so much underrated in the conversations about mental health. Thanks for sharing more lights.

Also if you know of any early career researcher such as Post-Docs, PhDs, and Students(current and aspiring PhD and Masters students) please send them to subscribe to my newsletter as I have a lot for them in their career moves: https://gradinterface.substack.com/

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So somatic! Amen! Beautifully explored

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