A powerful read, helping me to untangle the story that I’ve been telling myself about people around me. It hits hard when you realize that you’re projecting your own ego states towards others and fail look into yourself.

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I always come back to what you aptly pointed out - that people are mirrors for us. what bothers us, what we overanalyze and judge in other people actually says more about us than them. When we untangle the ego, we have a lot more distance to see our actions as a whole not just up close. beautiful piece <3

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this was a beautiful read. i know i’ll come back to this time and time again

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That's a tremendous observation in that youtube comment (re: 'she literally looked shorter after i regained my self-respect"', it really reveals how our expectations shape our very perception of reality. It makes me think about how true that is, and yet how rare it is for us to notice it happening. Makes me want to re-investigate and re-examine everything!

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what a great read!

i had an ego realization last year, feeling angry about something someone did. when asking myself why this upset me so much, i figured out it was because i never allowed myself the space to do the same thing as they had done. that it was the lack of compassion for myself that caused me to lack compassion for someone else. realizing this made the anger completely disappear.

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this is such an incredible read - honestly, you have such a knack for articulating feelings and complicated situations that have never been communicated / taught / explained properly throughout the process of us growing up.

I'm continually amazed at how you're able to untangle these situations and deliver it in such a way that's so powerful and yet relatable to others (that have come from entirely different backgrounds) because it touches our deepest selves - the humans inside of us.

thank you Isabel for your writings - you're one of the best writers out there

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As I’ve advanced in my meditation practice, I have become more aware of the inverse relationship between openness and ego. Awareness leads to recognition of the vast, endless openness, in which ego comes and goes.

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Your writing is very confusing and makes my head spin 😵‍💫

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But then again, I'm not a Jung reader. He seems too complicated

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