Thanks Izz for that beautiful tribute to me and Dad. Parenting you has been one of the greatest gifts G-d had given us (along with your brothers and Barron). You have made it fun, interesting, surprising, gratifying and ultimately pure joy. I used to sing to you "how did I get so lucky to have you" and it rings true today and everyday since you were born. Watching you pursue your truth and finding your passions and happiness is all we ever wanted for you, and you've done that and all I wish for you is to continue on that path with all the grace, beauty and intelligence you embody.

You have my heart,

Love Mom xo

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wow ❤️❤️❤️

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Hey Iz,

Nice essay.

Thanks for a great dinner and great company last night.

You earned the freedom to choose your path. You did great in school . You did great in all your endeavors.

You set goals and achieved them.

We love you and support you.

Your excitement and passion to learn has been with you since you were a picerero ( little one).

Enjoy your unique voyage as the captain of your own ship.

Oh the places you will sail !!!!

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thank you ❤️ i love you!

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What a beautiful essay 🥰

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thank you :)

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this was beautiful to read Isabelle. I think it's magical the power parents can give you to see the world and have confidence to conquer it. Inspiring :)

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beautifully said - yes. and thank you for reading!

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Such a precious read

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Beautifully written!

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So beautiful

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Your parents sound like a dream. Meanwhile, I’m just sitting here wondering if my family dynamic is more of a "chaotic sitcom with recurring characters that pop in and out for plot convenience." But honestly, I do love seeing people write about their parents without the usual baggage or irony. It’s kind of a reminder that parental love can look like a lot of things—waiting for you to get home from gymnastics, tolerating your career pivots, or, in my case, texting once a week to ask if I’ve "seen that thing on the news."

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