Wow, this piece could not have come at a better time. I felt like you were reading my mind the entire time 😂 I literally laughed out loud when you said "When the world picks up (as it often does around this time of year..." It's so true, summer can be a hectic time with so many invitations and options of things to do. I'll definitely be nudging myself towards what feels aligned internally and spending more time in solitude. Thanks again Isabel!

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Hi, new reader here! Just transitioning from high school to college here and I know that the same thing you described is slowly going to happen to me: as I solidify what I value and who I am, all the opportunities around me will be more curated to my interests. I can’t wait to dive in to all those opportunities but never really considered what you mentioned here, especially this quote, which was pure gold: “Your external world is a lagging mirror of your internal world.”

Will definitely keep that in mind! Thank you for your reflections. I just subscribed and am looking forward to more!

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This lovely, in-depth piece resonates with me so much, at this particular time. I'm at a time in my life where I am just unstoppably fervent about my artistic work, and am facing that very issue of asking myself if I'm being too selfish by (finally) immersing so deeply into it. My answer is "no!" This piece just hit a number of things right on the head of the nail for me. Most excellent read, thank you!

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"I ain't mean I'm just focused" - Kanye

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“I’m writing this to remind you (me) that when you are around experiences that start to feel consistently more attractive than alone time, be cognisant of how easy it is to loosen your grip on protecting your solitude—the core pillar of your well-being. No external experience, no matter how juicy and enriching, can replace it. As Charles Bukowski famously said: isolation is the gift. There is no supplement for being alone with yourself, for looking inwards in the absence of distractions and stimulation. Protecting your focus becomes even more important and difficult when what is on the horizon feels increasingly aligned. Because again: no matter how aligned the experience, it can’t replace solitude.”

wow. 🎯🎯🎯

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Quite delicious, and on day one after quitting work, came at a tasty time. Kevin (WOP6 alum).

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Had to read it twice, it felt like you are writing to me, for me. Love it so much. Thank you.❤️

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🤌🏻✨ I think a lot more people feel the same, but I can't envy more on the clarity of writing.

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I’m commenting this once again- lets be friends!!! I feel so so so connected to everything you say. The intensity. The deepness. The problem with trying to focus on the essentials when everything feels so aligned. I <3 your posts.

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How do people approach making space for solitude in long term relationships? It seems rather rare? The thought of having no space to reflect alone is terrifying.

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Felt this very deeply- I myself had to move to a ranch in Montana to escape some so much of the noisy life opportunities presented.

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Another beautiful, resonant piece, Isabel.

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This resonates so much! I really admire the way you have thought about and expressed it. It's so beautiful, so important and so precious. I think I shall return back to this letter when I feel I am starting to lose touch with my inner compass. Thank you so much for this letter 🌸

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such amazing piece

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Thank you so much for this piece Isabel. It articulated so well something I've been trying to work out recently. Last year was an absolute whirlwind of activity for me and I was constantly on the go - partially to prove to myself that I could be this extroverted fun person who was constantly having incredible experiences after being low energy for a very long time. And then of course, I crashed.

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