As a writer and procrastinator, this hit home.

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Thanks for writing this. I have been storing story ideas away for a while, waiting till I was ready to write. It’s over 6 months and I have not drafted a single one. This morning I woke up, ready to force myself to write something. In a final act of procrastination, I opened my email and there was your newsletter waiting with the words I needed to hear 🤣

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My unpublished folder of half-written drafts and ideas is swelling larger and larger.

I heard a great quote on this topic which is giving me some ease, I know eventually those half-written drafts will be published:

”In my experience, here’s how essays form: You get all these bits of data that stick in your head… file drawers in your head. At a certain point you realize one of the drawers is now full, and you might have an essay.”  - Tim Kreider on The Artist at Midlife

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